Bruce is already potty trained which is a blessing. He is not, however, crate trained. After a few short but successful trial runs, I decided Bruce was ready to be out of the crate for a longer period of time. I set up my puppy cam, left for work, and let Bruce roam around my room. At lunch, I came home and my angel hadn't so much as ruffled a sheet.
After much praise, I left for the second half of my day, confident that I would never have to put him back in that awful crate again. When I returned home later, my room was in quite a different state. If you ever wonder what your dog does while you're away, here's your answer.
After much praise, I left for the second half of my day, confident that I would never have to put him back in that awful crate again. When I returned home later, my room was in quite a different state. If you ever wonder what your dog does while you're away, here's your answer.
He also thought that if he scratched at the carpet enough, he may be able to claw a tunnel into the living room. I was less than amused by his costly, failed attempt.
In order to avoid any further damage to my apartment, I begrudgingly put Bruce back in his crate this morning. I came home at lunch, and as I opened the door, guess who came trotting out of my bedroom? My stomach did a flip. How did Bruce get out? Is there someone in my apartment? What damage has been done since Bruce escaped? How much does a new crate cost? I turned the corner and saw...
Somehow, the crate was not broken, and the door was still partially closed. I had to head back to work, so I set up the video camera and put Bruce back in the crate. I even turned on Animal Planet in an attempt to comfort my distraught pup. I decided I would have to clean up the towel confetti Bruce had created later. When I got home that evening, Bruce was once again sitting by the door. This is what I saw upon reviewing the video footage.....
Amazingly, Bruce escaped unscathed, but I am too terrified of what could happen to him if he tries it again. I will have to take my chances leaving him out of the cage. If anyone has advice on how to keep your dog out of the crate AND out of trouble, please help me out!